That is definitely the BEST thing about being a post grad human. My Sundays are actually relaxing! I don't have that horrible feeling of I have 4 tests and a paper due this week... where's the nearest cliff?
HOWEVER there is a big catch. (being a little dramatic with caps lock). My weekends are a straight-up binge. Because I'm so ... conservative? well-behaved? healthy? ... during the week, I go nuts on the weekends.
I mean this is many ways.
For one, I act like I have been trapped in a coal mine for 30 days and am seeing food for the first time when 5:00 on Friday hits. This continues until Sunday night, when I realize oh, I don't need to fatten myself for hibernation after all.
My Friday's usually start with a plate of nachos, or some type of fried food and end with cookies on cookies and a bag of tostitos... to myself in one sitting. Add in some chipotle, pizza, bacon, bagels, ice cream... I think you get the point.
Then comes the alcohol. I don't go out during the week at all. No thirsty thursdays for this girl! So by the time I've worked all week and like I said, have been healthy and a work-out freak, I'm beyond ready to get crunk what what on the Friday and Saturday. This, again, results in binging.
Because of the binging from A and B, it makes working out nearly impossible, although I have managed to go run on some Sundays, but overall I spend them watching Bravo marathons and relaxing, napping, EATING, and being a waste of life. Which is enjoyable, but so unhealthy!!!
Every Sunday night I feel so guilty about the weekend binge and promise myself I will have more will-power with food, and more control with alcohol the next weekend, but the vicious cycle just repeats itself over and over! Now that I've written it down and admitted it, first step right? maybe I'll do better this weekend.
I drink 8-10 glasses of water at work during the week (and practically none on the weekends, surprise) so on Mondays it literally feels like a detox.
Does everyone have this problem on the weekends? It's waaay more advanced than it was in college! Guess that's what the 9-5 workforce does to you.
Here's some pictures from the weekend!
My friends apt in Alexandria... I crash with her almost every weekend!
Gangnam style.. obsessed
Op op op op oppan Gangnam Style
such a fun night
friends since 11th grade, and freshmen roomates in college!
may or may not be red wine (hint: it is)
My sister triple fisting
love in da club
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