All summer I have gone to sleep at ridiculous hours (2, 3?) and have rolled out of bed around 11. Then I would mosey downstairs, drink coffee, eat "breakfast" and either come back to my room and do stuff (apply to jobs, etc) or run errands. I would typcially work out late afternoon or before dinner, eat, then do some more "to-do list" things in my room, or potentially hang out with a friend. Once 8 o'clock hit, I would do God knows what, entertaining myself until the wee hours of the night.
Now my daily schedule looks like this: Wake up at 6:15. (ok, maybeee I snooze until 6:35), eat breakfast at 7, leave by 7:30. Arrive to work around 8:30-9, leave the office around 5-6, get home at 7, workout until 8, eat, shower, get in bed and relax a little, and go over more stuff for work.
The problem is, around 9 each night I get a second wind and want to stay up and watch Chelsea Lately (11 pm) and do other things (especially with my new computer, I want to play with it for hours!) Every morning I remind myself how painfully tired I am, but to no ado. I've always been a night owl, so staying up late, no matter how tired I am or how droopy my eyes are is a difficult habit to break! But that's when I was in college and could nap during the day, or better yet this summer when I could wake up so late. When I'm at work, it's embarrassing to be yawning all morning - post coffee.
I give myself a month to learn how to get my butt to bed before 10:30. Unfortunately, I am not one of those people who can run perfectly fine with 5 hours of sleep. If anything I'm on the opposite spectrum and need 8 so I need to figure this out.
Let me know if you have any tips to get to bed earlier!
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